
Every company reaches the exciting moment of launching their product or features. While the “launch and see” approach is very appealing, what if your product does not meet the expectations of your target audience? What if they are expecting different features and you have provided useless & frustrating updates? So, what is the right approach to launching a new product or rolling out updates? This is where the concept of a soft launch comes in.

What is a soft launch?

A soft launch is a way for companies to test and refine their products and services before a full launch. In this strategy companies distributes the product which is going to launched to a limited group of peoples for a limited time frame usually through-

  • Invitation Only or
  • Private Beta Setting

Here the point is who are these people to whom the product is distributed for testing? What are the reasons behind soft launch? & what are the steps for launching it? In this blog we will discuss all these queries in very simple language.

Who are the People for Whom Companies Should Roll Out New Features?

These are individuals with expertise in the relevant field. For example, if you are rolling out updates to a game the right approach would be to gather feedback from people who are interested in gaming. They are the ones who will provide real-life feedback on your new updates & features. Based on this feedback companies can make adjustments to their products or updates before launching it to the public.

Key Reasons Behind the Soft Launch

Reasons Behind the Soft Launch

Gathering Feedback from Testers

One of the main reasons behind it is to gather feedback from users & identify any issues in the product or services before making it public. This helps to identify the loopholes and fix them before official launch to the public.

Testing performance and scalability

Testing performance & scalability is another reason behind soft launch in companies, it is mostly followed by software/app development companies. They distribute their application to a small group of users to check how the product is handling the operations & traffic. If the users notice any bugs then the company can make the required changes.

Checking User Behavior

How users will interact with your product or service can be predicted to some extent through soft launch. Companies can gather data on user behavior or user patterns. Companies can make necessary changes to further improve the user experience.

A/B Testing

Companies can perform A/B tests on their products by comparing different versions of their product or service to different groups of users. A/B testing will help in figuring out the best performing product or updates. This will make sure that the released product meets the users needs & preferences.

Verifying the Audience Fit

Validate your target audience to check that you are targeting the right audience. Through this companies can identify any bugs early on which will save their time, efforts. After validating target audience companies can optimize their application for a wider audience to receive better response.

Steps for Successful Soft launch strategy

Successful Soft launch strategy

Goal Behind It

What do you want through the soft launch?

  • To gather feedback & identify issues
  • Testing Scalability
  • Gathering data on user behavior

Clearly defining reasons behind the launch will help you to make decisions more smoothly.

Testers Selection

Selecting the right testers to test your application is like picking the perfect ingredients for a recipe. Obviously, you want a mix of experienced users & fresh eyes. This blend of different people and perspectives will make sure you have a wide range of insights. Choose people who have expertise in the same field & are able to give you clear feedback. 

Remember, Their input is very important as they are the first ones to have interaction with your product/services.

Collecting Feedback From Testers

Now it’s the time to collect the testers feedback ask them-

  • What they liked
  • What confused them
  • What could be better

Ask them to share open & honest feedback. This feedback is gold, it will show which features are shining & where there is need to polish.

Making Improvements Based on Feedback

After gathering feedback from testers, it is important to make adjustments to improve the quality of the product. You can start by addressing reported bugs, unnecessary or frustrated features, and user-interface to give an overall smooth experience to the users.

This iterative phase of collecting feedback, making adjustments & refining the product will create a final version which can easily meet the expectations & needs of your target audience.

Top Examples of Soft Launch

Examples of Soft Launch


In 2009, WhatsApp had a quiet debut, offering the app to a small, select group through invitation-only beta testing. This strategy helped them gather valuable feedback and refine the software before its full release in 2010.


They gave its access to a group of selected testers in 2014 through invitation which is known as beta testing. With this approach they gathered feedback & made adjustments accordingly before its full launch in 2015.

Google Maps

Google maps also made a soft launch before making it available to the public in 2005. They made the maps available only for developers and gathered, and improved the application accordingly.

For Which Companies Soft Launch is Most Suitable?

Gaming Companies

It is most suitable for gaming companies to test their new updates, understand their impact on users, and observe user interaction with the games. In the gaming industry, users see updates regularly, so it becomes crucial to gather feedback from testers to fix bugs or improve poor user experiences before a full release.

Tech Companies

Tech companies also follow a soft launch process before launching new products or updates to avoid bugs and compatibility issues. By doing this, they can ensure that the rolled-out product or feature is perfectly aligned with the company’s standards and user expectations.

Consumer Product Companies

It is beneficial for consumer product companies to test market reactions, refine marketing strategies, and adjust product features based on early feedback.


No doubt, soft launching has many advantages but remember it can not replace thorough testing & refined launch. Before launching your products directly to the public, check your target market, audience, competition and available resources so that you can select the relevant testers who will suggest better adjustments.


What is soft launching?

It is a process when a company releases a new product or service to a small group of people first instead of everyone. This helps them see if there are any problems and make improvements before sharing it with a larger audience.

How to develop a soft launch strategy?

  • Pick relevant testers who are expert in your domain
  • Collect their feedback 
  • Make improvements based on the feedback
  • Test again if needed
  • Ready for the full launch

What are examples of successful soft launching?

WhatsApp (2010), Signal (2015) and Google Maps (2005 ) are the top examples.

Does soft launching benefit businesses?

Yes, It benefits businesses by helping them find and fix problems early, making sure the product works well before the full launch. It also allows them to get feedback from real users and make the product better, which can lead to greater success when it’s launched to a larger audience.

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